a subsidiary of getloud ventures
As we embark on this journey together, we appreciate our mutual interest in a common vision and potential partnership opportunities. To safeguard the confidentiality of sensitive information exchanged during our discussions, we agree to the adherence to the following clauses:
1. Obligations of the Parties: BTC agrees to provide access to relevant details and information necessary for partnership evaluation. GetLoud agrees to use such information solely for evaluating the opportunity and not for any other purposes without prior written consent.
2. Scope: This agreement covers all confidential information exchanged during the partnership discussions, including but not limited to business models, investment strategies, future plans, operational data, and any associated materials.
3. Non-Disclosure: GetLoud commits to maintaining the confidentiality of BTC’s business information and will not share or disclose it to any third party without BTC’s prior written approval.
4. Breach & Remedies: In the event of a breach of this agreement, the non-breaching party reserves the right to pursue appropriate legal remedies to address the violation and protect their interests.